Friday, 11 September 2015

Machine Embroidered Peg Bag

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Around a week ago ,I took a trip to Totnes, Devon, to Social Fabric to do a workshop.

I am not confident in machine embroidery, so the workshop was a great place to learn and play!
This is what I made.

I would highly recommend Mandy, as when I started I was not sure I would be able to make my peg bag look as good as hers. But with plenty of encouragement I am so pleased with my finished bag.

Not sure if I want to keep pegs in it though, may just use it for decoration!
Just kim x


  1. Your peg bag turned out great! If you don't use it for clothes pegs perhaps you can find something else to use it for.

  2. looks fabulous, hope to make a similar one soon!
